Trademark Fee in Vietnam

Effective from June 1, 2019

No. Description  Official Charge (US$)   Services Fee of T2H Lawyers (US$) 
1 Filing
application for the 1st class of goods/services comprising up to 6
                  45,00                 150,00
Additional class
                  40,00                 120,00
Additional fee for each goods/services, from the 7th one, in one class of
                    7,00                   15,00
2 Advice
on classification/reclassification of goods/services
For each class comprising up to 6 goods/services
                    4,50  hourly basis 
For each additional good/service from the 7th in each class
                    1,00  hourly basis 
3 Claiming
convention priority
                  27,00                   100,00
4 Request
for amendment of trademark application: name/address of applicant(s) or
trademark agent, amendment of list of goods/services and publication of
                  12,50                 100,00
5 Request
for recordal of transferring pending application
                  12,50                 150,00
6 Division
of application
                  12,00                 100,00
7 Granting
certificate of trademark registration
                  16,00                 50,00
Additional fee for each further class of goods/services, each comprising up
to 6 goods/services
                    4,50                   30,00
8 Recordal
of amendment of certificate of trademark
Recordal  change of name or address or
trademark agent against a trade mark registration
                  18,00                 100,00
Recordal amendment to the scope of protection for a trademark registration
(per a class of goods and/or services), Publication and Entering the Register
                  42,30                 150,00
9 Renewal
and use of trademark registration for the 1st class of goods/services
53,50 120,00
Additional fee for each class of goods/services, from the 2nd one
36,00 120,00
Renewal within 6-month grace period, for each month
of renewal fee
10 Invalidation/Cancellation
of trademark registration
Preparation and filing request for invalidation of trademark registration
21,00 hourly
Preparation and filing request for cancellation of the validity of trademark
30,50  hourly basis 
13 Appeal    
Preparation and filing appeal for the 1st class of goods/services comprising
up to 6 goods/services
                  32,50  hourly basis 
Additional fee for each good/service, from the 7th one, in one class of
                    7,00                   15,00
14 Opposition                   24,50  hourly basis 
15 Trademark
search for one trademark per one class
                  20,00                 100,00
16 Obtaining
re-granted certificate/certified copy of trademark registration
                  11,00                 100,00
17 Trademark
License Agreement
Preparing and/or reviewing/translating agreement
                       –    hourly basis 
Recording a trademark license agreement for each mark
                  26,50                 400,00
Filing request for amendmend or renewal or invalidation of a license
agreement, per mark
                  17,80                 200,00
18 Trademark
Assignment Agreement
Preparing and/or reviewing/translating agreement
                       –    hourly basis 
Recording a trademark assignment agreement for trademark registration
                  29,00                 200,00
20 Other
Filing extension of time or late filing of any document
                    5,50                   50,00
Filing response to office action
                    7,00  hourly basis 
Withdrawal of application or action
                    7,00  hourly basis 
Submission of Declaration/Affidavit of use/non-use
                    7,00  hourly basis 
Reviewing, drafting, preparing, advising, consulting, and interviewing 
                       –    hourly basis 
Interviewing with examiner and report the status
                       –     hourly basis

Note: The above service fees are excluded of 10 % VAT.


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